Sunday, July 16, 2006


"The New Amidst the Old : Building in the Klein Karoo" by Dr Hans Fransen.

Dr Hans Fransen's words of wisdom about new architecture in historically sensitive areas could not come at a more appropriate time for a region overheated with townhouse complexes.
There is a wealth of information aptly written in this book, and we can easily pick up the difference between a Cape Dutch house, a Cape Gothic style and a Victorian, and essentially where they differ. His overall plea, however, that it is not the time-consuming restoration of a single property that matters, but keeping the character of a neighbourhood that is the most essential task of any developer, architect or watchdog cultural society. Above all he warns that there is no single bigger threat to the integrity of an environment than the introduction of massive structures.
Above and beyond Fransen has happily opened our eyes to the secrets of the landscape and the townscapes of the Little Karoo. A visit to Prince Albert or Calitzdorp will be all the more rewarding now that we understand the dynamics of the village as a whole and the story of its development, which he reveals in clear, apt phrases. His section on the separate histories of this area can be easily read and absorbed.
For members of Simon van der Stel there is a remarkable list of historical buildings to visit, with their star ratings, for Oudtshoorn, Calitzdorp, Ladismith, Prince Albert, Uniondale and George. This will be a godsend for the committee who can now choose lesser known places to visit, and in this way bring fresh ideas to the planning of quarterly outings.
Die behoefte aan 'n publikasie oor die bewaring van die bou-style van die Klein Karoo bestaan reeds geruime tyd. Gedurende 2005 het die komitee Dr Hans Fransen, bekende kultuur-historikus en outeur van verskeie werke oor die ou geboue van die Kaap in hierdie verband genader.
The result is an attractive 40-page A4-size book, well-illustrated and in colour. We hope to re-coup our expenses with the sales.
"The New Amidst the Old " is nie net leersaam en aktueel nie maar beslis 'n aanwins vir enige boekrak of koffie-tafel.
We are proud to have undertaken this project to preserve and protect our cultural heritage in the Klein Karoo.
Members who have not had the opportunity to buy a copy can contact Hazel Jonker at 082 651 8037 or 044 272 7415. The cost is R95.


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